Our Founder

“Michelle Jackson is a remarkable woman whose journey from believer in God to Founder of Living Transparent Inc. has inspired many. She has fearlessly shared her life’s ups and downs in her autobiography, “Man Rejected Me but God Chose Me.” This incredible book captures the struggles, adversities, and triumphs that have shaped her into the person she is today.

Not only is Michelle a published author, but she is also an entrepreneur, running multiple small businesses in Texas. As a mother of four adult children and a proud Nana to ten grandchildren, family is at the core of her being. She is a music enthusiast, proficient in playing over four different instruments. Her oldest son’s basketball games fill her with joy as she passionately cheers for him from court-side. She is equally supportive of her second son, who is a talented music artist.

In her precious moments of downtime, you can find Michelle in the kitchen, cooking up delicious Texas cuisine, or curled up on the couch indulging in her favorite movies. Her quiet corner in the house is her sanctuary, where she finds solace and inspiration for her writing.

A true symbol of compassion and generosity, Michelle dedicates most of her time to helping those in need. She extends a helping hand to the homeless community, providing them with food, water, clothing, and hygiene packs. Additionally, she supports low-income families by offering financial assistance for food, rent, and utilities. Michelle is also devoted to aiding individuals affected by domestic and sexual violence, ensuring they find counseling and a safe place to live. Her commitment to the well-being of children is evident through her efforts to supply backpacks filled with snacks and reading materials in the surrounding area.

Above all, Michelle’s nonprofit organization is a testament to her unwavering dedication to giving back to her community and helping those in need. We congratulate Michelle Jackson, the Founder of Living Transparent Inc., on the successful publication of her first book, available in stores and online now through Christian Faith Publishing. Her extraordinary journey and passion for making a difference in the world are truly inspiring.”