Welcome to Living Transparent Inc.

Welcome to Living Transparent Inc.

Living Transparent was born in March 2017 as a beacon of hope, ignited by the indomitable spirit of our founder, Michelle Jackson. Raised in the clutches of poverty and trapped in an abusive relationship, Michelle endured unimaginable hardships. Yet, amidst the chaos, she found the strength to rise above her circumstances.

With sheer determination, Michelle extricated herself and her four children from the relentless struggle, igniting a burning desire within her heart to make a difference in her community. From that pivotal moment, she embarked on a mission to uplift her local counties and communities. It became her life’s purpose to extend a helping hand to those in need.

Drenched in empathy, Living Transparent has become a lifeline for many. Michelle’s unwavering commitment has transformed countless lives as she tirelessly provides nourishment, clothing, and shelter to those who yearn for warmth and security. However, her benevolence doesn’t stop there.

Understanding the grave significance of a stable home and the security it embodies, Michelle extends her support beyond the basic necessities. United with her community, she ensures that no one is left to suffer the anguish of homelessness or the weight of utility bills. Through rental and utility assistance, she tirelessly works to uphold the dignity and well-being of those who seek solace through her organization.

Michelle’s journey is a testament to the power of resilience and compassion. She has emerged from the depths of despair to become a shining light, illuminating the path of hope for so many. Living Transparent is not merely a name; it is a symbol of transformation and second chances, fueled by the passion and unwavering dedication of Michelle Jackson. Her story serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, kindness and generosity can create ripples of change that touch lives and uplift communities.

Living in poverty is an unfortunate reality that countless children, families, and individuals endure across the globe. It is a harsh truth that we simply cannot ignore. In 2017, the United States Department of Agriculture shed light on the distressing fact that over 40 million people in the U.S. alone face food insecurity. This number has only escalated in recent times, particularly due to the devastating impact of the COVID pandemic.

Food insecurity, defined as the limited or uncertain access to adequate sustenance and assistance, is a deeply pressing issue. We cannot stand idly by as our fellow human beings struggle to put nourishing meals on their plates. That is precisely why we are passionately committed to dismantling the barriers that obstruct access to healthier, more nutritious food. We firmly believe that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, should have the opportunity to enjoy a balanced and fulfilling diet.

Furthermore, our unwavering dedication extends beyond merely addressing the barriers to food access. We also strive to extend a helping hand to those in need, providing crucial assistance to alleviate their hardships. Because nobody should have to face the challenges of poverty alone.

Together, let us work relentlessly towards a future where hunger and uncertainty are mere remnants of the past. Let us join forces to ensure that every person has the opportunity to thrive, nourished both in body and spirit. We can make a difference, one meal at a time.

Since March 2017, we have taken a solemn pledge to combat poverty in our community and the surrounding areas. Our journey has been marked by relentless efforts to address issues such as food insecurity and financial hardships. In our very first month, we successfully assisted over 500 individuals, and that number has grown exponentially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent winter storm that struck in February 2021.

At Living Transparent Inc., our mission is deeply ingrained in providing essential support to families, children, and individuals experiencing homelessness. We strive to offer meals, as well as assistance with rent and utilities to those in need of our services. Additionally, by the end of 2021, we aim to conduct nutrition education classes, providing valuable knowledge to families and individuals.

With your invaluable help, we are confident in achieving our aspiration. Together, we can make a meaningful difference and alleviate the difficulties faced by our community members in their time of need.

At Living Transparent, we understand how daunting challenges can appear. But we firmly believe that every challenge holds the potential for growth and positive transformation. In our communities and neighboring cities, we witness families and individuals faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. That is why we are dedicated to providing unwavering support. With our powerful solutions and extensive expertise, we stand beside you, empowering you to conquer these challenges and forge lasting social change!

We are a Nonprofit (501c3) Organization (Dec. 2020) dedicated to serving our local communities by providing vital resources. With unwavering commitment, we strive to meet the pressing needs of our community, making a positive and lasting impact. Through our efforts, we aim to uplift and empower individuals, families, and organizations, fostering a stronger, more resilient community.

Our services are provided to anyone who are facing or lacking –  Food insecurity, Domestic Violence, Homelessness, Rental Assistance, Utility Assistance and Basic Needs.

Living Transparent Inc. firmly upholds its commitment to equality and inclusion. This means that we absolutely do not tolerate any form of discrimination or bias, whether it is based on race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, or marital status.


Living Transparent Inc. strongly believes that every single person deserves to have their basic needs met – including having enough food to eat and a safe place to call home. We understand that when these fundamental necessities are taken care of, people are able to unlock their true potential and accomplish incredible things for their future. Through our innovative and personalized approach, we are dedicated to promoting well-being and eliminating hunger and homelessness. Our goal is not only to make a measurable and positive difference, but also to inspire and uplift all those we reach. Together, let’s work towards creating a world filled with hope, unity, and endless possibilities!


  • Support: We wholeheartedly support individuals in their unique circumstances, valuing and respecting their experiences, dignity, knowledge, aspirations, and remarkable ability to conquer challenges.
  • Affirm: We firmly believe that individuals are the true experts of their own lives, and we combine their expertise with data-driven insights to enhance our system.
  • Center: We prioritize the crucial aspect of racial equity, actively seeking diverse voices and perspectives to ensure that our community is served in the best possible way.
  • Lead: We take the lead and foster collaboration to empower our hungry and homeless response system, making it stronger and more effective than ever.
  • Advocate: Side by side with the people we serve, we tirelessly advocate for the resources necessary to fulfill our mission and make a lasting impact.

Our mission is to actively engage with communities across different areas, providing not only food assistance but also financial support to families facing food insecurity, eviction, and utility disconnect. We are dedicated to seeing a decrease in these challenges, both within our communities and in the comfort of people’s homes. Together, with unwavering compassion, we strive to overcome barriers and restore hope.

At Living Transparent Inc., our goal is to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals and families, making the world a better place one act of kindness at a time. By reaching out and extending love and hope, we aim to create a better tomorrow for all. We understand the importance of eradicating food insecurity while improving health outcomes in vulnerable communities. Additionally, we provide fundamental human needs such as love, hope, dignity, and belonging.

As the Living Transparent Organization, we are here to serve and support people within our communities and local counties, meeting their physical, social, and spiritual needs. We also serve as a vital point of contact, connecting individuals and families with our various services. Through our unwavering commitment to communities and families, we continuously develop and promote programs that focus on fulfilling both physical and social needs.

We firmly believe that giving of oneself and extending a helping hand to others is the most selfless act we can offer. So, we encourage you to click on the DONATE tab above to make your contribution today. Your partnership, sponsorship, and support are greatly appreciated as we work towards making a significant impact on our community. Despite our small size, we are proud to say that our organization is making a BIG difference.

Whatever you do.. don’t stop don’t quit.. you were built for this.. you have a destiny a purpose in life.. find out what it is and leave your mark!!!

Thank you Living Transparent for feeding my Family