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In these challenging and uncertain times we find ourselves in, with the COVID-19 virus spreading rapidly, it’s only natural for our faith to be tested. It can be difficult to see where God fits in with this new normal, if we will ever have a normal again after this pandemic. However, I want to encourage you to hold on to your faith, knowing that everything will work out for your good.

Sometimes it may seem like things aren’t going as planned and it may be hard to see the bigger picture, but remember that we walk by faith and not by sight, as mentioned in 2 Corinthians 5:7. Despite the obstacles we face, there is a higher power, a greater love that is stronger than any pandemic or situation we could ever encounter. His name is God. So, continue to pray, wear your mask, and practice good hygiene by washing and sanitizing your hands frequently. Trust that the rest will be taken care of by God. Amen!

During these uncertain times, please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. We understand the challenges you may be facing, and we stand with you in solidarity.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our generous donors and sponsors who have made all of this possible. Without your support, we would not have been able to fight against hunger and poverty in our communities and throughout the country. It is through our collective effort that we can make a difference. Together, we can turn dreams into reality.

May God bless each and every one of you abundantly! Remember to be kind, show gratitude, and spread love to those around you. As stated in 2 Corinthians 9:7, giving with a cheerful heart is what brings joy to God. And as Proverbs 19:17 reminds us, kindness shown to the poor is a loan to the Lord, and He will generously reward us for our actions.

Let us continue to be a beacon of hope and positivity in these difficult times.

Living Transparent Inc. Is gearing up for our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner, this year we will be servicing our families with Thanksgiving boxes which will include a Turkey/Ham sides, dessert and Drink. We are involving our community to help make this a successful turnout , so we are asking for Turkeys, Hams or Monetary donations. If you would like to donate either please see flyer below. Thank you for your donations and for helping us provide for the families in need. Would you be so kind to share this post to your family and friends on your social media outlets.

Two ways you can give:
ZELLE: 512.567.9857
Food Donations: MichelleJacksonATX@icloud.com

We are mobilizing our efforts and seek your assistance in ensuring a successful initiative. On Thanksgiving Day, we will be venturing out to provide sustenance for the homeless communities. Your generous contributions will guarantee that those in need will partake in a warm, gratifying Thanksgiving dinner. Kindly refer to the list below for the necessary provisions and logistics. Thank you for your support!

Our objective is to nourish 100 individuals on November 23, 2023, Thanksgiving Day.

The Supplies Required:

Meat: Turkey (2) and Whole Chickens (5)
Dressing: 3 Large Pans – Donated

  • Potatoes: 4 Bags
  • Canned Green Beans: 15 Cans
  • Cranberry Sauce: Jellied – 8 Cans
  • Turkey Gravy Jars – 5 Jars
  • Bread – 6 Loaves

Desserts: Cakes – 10

  • Assorted Cans (10 packs of 12)
  • Bottled Water (5 packs of 24)

Plastic Food Containers:

  • 100 Count of Plastic Forks
  • 100 Count of Ziplock Bags
  • 5 Large Silver Pans
  • 100 Count of Napkins


Back to School backpack bash…We donated 150 backpacks to children in our communities!


A White Christmas Tree Giveaway 2023

Every year Living Transparent INC. donates 10 Christmas Trees

with lights and ornaments to 10 Families in need.


Pizza Party in full affect…Join us for some fun while we service those in need this weekend… 4/17/2021


We are gearing up to go service those in need. Preparing the packets 04/01/2021


Since January 2021 we have serviced 689 families in their homes with food RENTAL ASSISTANCE and essentials. Our most challenged time was delivering food (to 32 families) in the winter storm that went on in Texas (Febuary 2021), but “Everybody Eats Food Outreach) conquered the task”, our team got out and did what needed to be done.

We went out during our winter storm here in Texas and gave it all we had to help those in need, what a blessing to show LOVE and Kindness. February 2021

It is so amazing when we all come together for a greater cause


On Valentines Day morning 2021, Living Transparent Inc. went out into the community and gave away baskets and bags full of candy, chocolate hearts and lots more goodies TO RANDOM PEOPLE JUST TO SHOW THAT THEY ARE LOVED!

On Thanksgiving Day 2020 Living Transparent Inc. serviced our Local Homeless Communities with a hot Thanksgiving Meal, we feed over 110 people. Thank you to all who donated, served and put their hands to the plow!